XXII. annual congress of ČKS streams

10 září, 2014

Our laboratory participated on live streams of XXII. annual congress of Czech Cardiology society which took place on May 4th 2014.

Three operations from Fakultní nemocnice Bohunice (FNB) and Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady(FKV) were streamed to Brněnské výstaviště(BVV), where the congress took place. UltraGrid technology was used for streams. Besides the camera shots, shots from medical machines were also transmitted. Here for the first time was used anonymization of pacient data(name, date of birth). We traditionally collaborated with ITV team, who ensured the transmission and shooting of camera from operating rooms.
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27.4.2014 – Performing Arts Production over Advanced Networks

10 září, 2014

International workshop called „Performing Arts Production over Advanced Networks“ took place on April 27th 2014.

This event included approximately half an hour long invited lecture with practical demonstration in high resolution 4K. The lecture also demonstrated artistic level of students of HAMU (Academy of music arts in Prag), demonstration won enthusiastic response of audience in the artistic and technical aspects. Main auditorium was situated in area of Florida New World Symphony (NWS) on Miami Beach. This performance originated by close collaboration of AMU in Prag and CESNET association.

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January streams

24 února, 2014

21.-24.1. 2014 – Streams for Akutne.cz – SEPSE Ostrava

This year, we traditionally participated at event in collaboration with Akutne.cz. We streamed live stream from main lecture hall. Event took place from 21.1.(Tuesday) afternoon to 24.1.(Friday) noon.

Aside of a stream we provided also video recording, including cutting videos into lectures and publishing on portal Akutne.cz

300 unique spectators watched the stream during the event:

date number of unique spectators
21.1. 127
22.1. 59
23.1. 91
24.1. 23

Streams were watched mainly from Czech Republic, but we also acknowledged streams from Slovakia and USA.

24.1. 2014 – Operation stream for GPK

It was a pilot stream of operations from central operating rooms in FNB for doctors from FNB and students of Faculty of medicine.
We streamed to lecture hall in FNB and to library in maternity hospital in Obilní trh. 4 operations took place, operating doctor was doc.Huser.

Event was streamed using H.323/SIP videoconference using CESNET infrastructure. There was HW codec Tandberg C20 in operating room, participating sides were using SW clients Tandberg ConferenceME (FNB), resp. LifeSize ClearSea.

This event had positive feedback and we can look forward to future collaboration.

(c) 2021 SITOLA, Administration