Miloš Liška se stal otcem :-)

23 března, 2011

Dne 14. března 2011 se mu narodila dcera Hanička (51 cm, 3 kg). Oběma rodičům gratulujeme, Haničce přejeme hodně zdraví a celé rodině mnoho společné radosti.

Hanicka 1Hanicka 2

Miloš Liška has become a father :-)

14 března, 2011

March 14th, 2011 was born his daughter Hana (51 cm, 3 kg). We congratulate the proud parents, wish Hana sound health and all the family a lot of common joy.

Hanicka 1 Hanicka 2


30 října, 2010

Many laboratory members have attended the annual MEMICS 2010 conference.
MEMICS took place from 22nd to 24th October. We have presented the following papers:

Jan Fousek, Tomáš Golembiovský, Igor Peterlík and Jiří Filipovič.
Haptic Rendering Based on RBF Approximation from Dynamically Updated Data

Tomáš Golembiovský and Aleš Křenek.
Compression of Vector Field Changing in Time

Jiři Matela, Vít Rusňák and Petr Holub.
GPU-Based Sample-Parallel Context Modeling for EBCOT in JPEG2000

Pavel Troubil and Hana Rudová.
Integer Programming for Media Streams Planning Problem

Dalibor Klusáček and Hana Rudová.
The Use of Incremental Schedule-based Approach for Efficient Job Scheduling

Michal Procházka, Daniel Kouřil and Luděk Matyska.
User Centric Authentication for Web Applications

More information about the MEMICS is available at

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